Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ostia Antica

We went to a place called Ostia Antica [above]. I am now reading a book called "The Thieves of Ostia" which is a mystery. It takes place in Ostia Antica, which is ancient Ostia. But this time it is not Ostia Antica because the staory in the book takes place a long time ago. It is about a girl who finds her father's seal (ring used for sealing letters) and it was stolen by a magpie because magpies love shiny things. And she even found a gold earring inside the magpie's nest, and other stuff. You should read "The Thieves of Ostia." It is a really good book, the first book of the series. So its like in each chapter the girl meets a new kid. [Below: Flowers photographed by Daniela at Ostia Antica]

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