Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gelato in February

A couple of days ago me and dad were checking if Giorgiagel (me and dad's favorite gelataria) was open. But it was closed. And then Dad looked to his side and saw the owners of Giorgiagel. And they said they would open in February. It is a great gelateria. It is great because we just like the gelato. My favorite flavors are limone, straccatella [chocolate chip], biscocroc, menta, and Varrigato Nutella, Nutella, and also Vaniligia. They are really nice [at Giorgiagel]: she will give me two cookies, like Mikey Mouse ears, and a pink spoon because she knows its my favorite color (Dad's going crazy with his foot right now). If the man doesn't give me a pink spoon and two mickey mouse ears, the woman gets mad at him.

Here is the picture of Giorgiagel (one of the owners is behind Danielle):

And her eis the picture of the woman who works at Giorgiagel who always sees to it that Danielle gets two mouse ear cookies and a pink spoon:

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