Thursday, September 23, 2010


We were in Morocco. We took the train to the Marrakesh and I became friends with a little girl from Morocco.

In Marrakesh there were people carrying boxes with about a million chickens inside.

There were snake charmers. We got a picture of Dad with a snake around his neck. There were cobras, too.
We had fun swimming in the hotel. The pool had green tiles. I liked the hotel.

At the hotel there was a fountain made of marble that was always spurting out water, even in the middle of the night. People turned on the lights in the pool at nighttime.

[Our hotel in the Medina in Marrakesh]

We visited an old school that used to have students in it, but it was so old that nobody uses it anymore. [It was an old Madersa or Pesantren for studying Islam, and exceptionally beautiful--KA].
This is what a student's room looked like. [These are all things a student brought with them when living at the Madersa--KA].

These are cats that are very hungry. But the guy is not paying any attention to them. He is paying attention to the customers.

These guys are selling snails. (Poor snails!). :(

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