Thursday, September 23, 2010


We are in Ghana now. We arrived in Ghana yesterday morning and then we went on a bus ride to slave castles.
Offerings to those who died. One of them is from Obama (the President).

In the slave castle they had a magazine that had bats in it (real bats). Here is the video of the bats. [Be patient--the videos will take a couple minutes to load].

Then we ate lunch at a hotel by the beach called Coconut Grove. I met a bug named Fred there. He was fuzzy. Here are some videos of the dancers at the hotel.

Then we went to another slave castle, then went back to the ship, then went to sleep, then woke up early in the moring and went to the market. These are fish in the market.

These are hand-made soaps made from cocoa-pods [also sold in the public market].

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