Sunday, October 19, 2008

I like Istanbul

Istanbul is great because the people there are so nice. Because they say "Good morning" (in English) and "Good night" (in English) and "Good evening" (in English). And I like that the people also give you free stuff (like food and Evil Eyes and Turkish Delights).

[Below: Danielle with display of "Evil Eyes," which actually serve to protect you from the Evil Eye]
(Below: Freshly made rolls of Turkish Delight. Yum!)


Janice said...

We are really enjoying your posts! Istanbul sounds very interesting!

Watki said...

Hello Danielle,
I am back at home in Stillwater, Oklahoma. I read your blog and I saw that you went to Istanbul. I went there last summer and I got an evil eye. I am looking forward to seeing you on spring break.

DASKMA said...

Hi Emma,

You look so cute (in your star wars costume). I'm looking forward to seeing you in Rome.

