Sunday, February 15, 2009


Just like my second post on this blog, we are going to talk about Pompeii. We went there and saw many things and Mom took over 300 pictures there. Can you believe that? I bet its a lot for you. My mom's camera can take over 300 pictures. In 79AD afternoon, Mt. Vesuvius erupted suddenly. Some people were asleep and some were awake. The ones who were asleep were unlucky because they would die any minute. Later, they found those bodies and put them in cases and put them in parts where they found them or they put them in museums. And now they let you see everywhere that they have excavated. But they are still excavating part. It is a huge place to see. Herculaneum also. It is another town like Pompeii and the same way Mt. Vesuvius erupted and some people died there. Here are some pictures of what we saw.


These are fountains at Pompeii:

Two stones means one way street and three stones means two way street:

This is me and dad being funny. This is an bar or restaurant or cafe:

Me and Mom at our picnic lunch place in Pompeii:

This is a cute dog in Pompeii:

Me figuring out the map in Pompeii:

The first poppy of spring in Pompeii:


This is another town other than Pompeii.

This is a statue of a man and in front of him is a tomb in Herculaneum:


Jack said...

I really like the history of Pompeii.

Make sure to check out my blog - I posted something new.

DASKMA said...

Hi Jack...sounds good. Hope you like Italy, like me, when you come. Ciao, Danielle